We specialize in purchasing standing timber, i.e., timber "on the stump" and in procuring timber along truck roads.
We also specialize in wood felling and harvesting services, forestry work, construction and reconstruction of forest roads and timber transport.
We carry out the work with professionally qualified staff and modern machinery, which allows us to carry out the work quickly and efficiently, which is very important in the implementation of sanitary felling. Good organization and modern mechanization allow us to carry out quality and reliable work within agreed or prescribed deadlines, which are subject to the execution of issued decisions of the Forest Service (ZGS).
Our decision on whether to employ manual or mechanized methods depends on the individual situation. We utilize tractors, cable cars, or, in rare circumstances, manual labour for timber harvesting.
We also provide timber transport services. We are equipped with various truck combinations for the transport of logs, sawn timber, wood chips and bulk cargo.
Upon agreement with you, we also lease your forest property for a contractually agreed period of time. In this case, we take over comprehensive management, which ensures that you carry out all the necessary activities in the management of your forest.